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Dispose of in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+4Posted:2016-11-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: predisposedpredispositiontransposein case ofbecause ofmake use ofin the case ofin the course ofMeaning: v. deal with or settle. 
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(91) Segregate hazardous waste and dispose of an authorized manner ( report to your supervisor ).
(92) Don't forget to empty the vacuum bag and dispose of it in the outside trash.
(93) The author brings forward the method dispose of error for gyroscope trend item cause of north seeking error, and analyzes latitude error and two pose angle error.
(94) Athena's Blades, Medusa's Head, the Sword of Artemis, and other weapons are at your disposal are you dispose of legions of enemies.
(95) Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.
(96) An expectation the entity will sell or otherwise dispose of a long-lived asset significantly before the end of its previously estimated useful life.
(97) After helping dispose of the traitorous Grand Admiral Zaarin, Thrawn ascended to that rank himself.
(98) And there were stairs nearby, leading down to a small floating dock, where Kari, or someone she'd hired, could easily take the body out to sea to dispose of it.
(99) With a sick heart, Ochkhuu (at left) and his father-in-law, Jaya, dispose of sheep and goat carcasses after the winter of 2009-2010, which killed millions of livestock across Mongolia.
(100) Gift: A state - of - the - art paper shredder to easily dispose of the Spain National Team's questionable pre - Olympic photo.
(101) I. The term "beneficial owner" refers to a person who has the right to own and dispose of the income and the rights or properties generated from the said income.
(102) BACKGROUND To discuss the anesthesia dispose of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.
(103) The United States and Russia signed an agreement to dispose of sixty-eight tons of weapons-grade plutonium. They plan to use the plutonium as fuel for civilian nuclear reactors.
(104) How could he dispose of the goods produced by the eight factories?
(105) Units such as these were quite capable of laying waste to an entire building in an effort to dispose of a single target.
(106) And remember, NiCad batteries contain toxic cadmium stuff, so save a squirrel and recycle/dispose of it properly.
(107) We put together a yard sale to dispose of all the household junks.
(108) This scheme uses optical cable to transmit signals and isolate high voltage, Schmitt trigger to dispose of signals(, and microprocessor to identify the status of thyristor.
(109) The rational dispose of the noise source also reduce the noise pollution.
(110) Seller shall maintain such materials in good order and condition subject to fair wear and tear and shall dispose of or return such materials as Buyer directs.
(111) He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.
(112) A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals.
(112) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(113) Richard must dispose of Clarence in order to clear the line of descent and seize the throne.
(114) Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone.
(115) Furthermore, courts often seem to dispose of mixed questions in inconsistent ways.
(116) Either the individual or special workers move quickly to dispose of this fecal pellet, the meconium.
(117) No units or individuals shall misappropriate them or dispose of them without authorization.
(118) Wasted batteries suggested return to manufacturer or put at appointed public bettery reclaim area , do not mix battery with other waste or dispose of battery ad libitum .
(119) Dispose of the used condom hygienically . Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin(do not flush it down the toilet).
(120) And if they do what do they do with the bodies, do they just let bloodless bodies lie around or dispose of them?
More similar words: predisposedpredispositiontransposein case ofbecause ofmake use ofin the case ofin the course ofdisplaydisputemake full use ofposedisplaceat the expense ofon displaysupposeexposeopposeimposecomposeproposeopposeddisparagingproposedsupposedlyon purposeindispensablebe supposed todiscloseas soon as possible
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